Text Search
Use the search tool to find proteins or groups of proteins using a keyword or phrase. You can access this tool at any time using the search button at the top right of every page.
Type something to begin searching. Search works on whole words only (lipo will not match lipoprotein). You can put parts of your search term "in quotes" to match an entire phrase or add a minus sign (-) in front of words to exclude records including that word, e.g. lipoprotein -mlaa.
Searchable fields include protein names such as LeuT
or AmtB
, groupings of proteins such as GPCRs
or ligand gated ion channels
, and processes such as drug binding
or phospholipid biosynthetic processes
indeterminate_check_boxPDB PDB![]() Protein DataBank accessions hold coordinates derived from experiments such as crystallography, NMR or electron microscopy. | indeterminate_check_boxUniProt UniProt![]() UniProt is the central repository of protein sequence and function. Several UniProt proteins may be found in a structure. | indeterminate_check_boxMPStruc MPStruc![]() Membrane Proteins of Known Structure (MPStruc) is a tree of protein classifications expertly curated by Professor Stephen White at UC Irvine. | indeterminate_check_boxPfam Pfam![]() Protein Families (Pfam) is a high level classification system for protein families, built automatically from hidden markov models. | indeterminate_check_boxGO GO![]() Gene Ontology (GO) is a gene annotation project which assigns cellular location, molecular function and biological processes to genes. | indeterminate_check_boxTCDB TCDB![]() The Transporter Classification DataBase (TCDB) is a tree of protein classifications expertly curated by Professor Milton Saier at UCSD. | indeterminate_check_boxMemProtMD MemProtMD![]() The MemProtMD semi-automated classification system is based on biomolecular simulation and annotations from other databases seen here. |
Click to include or exclude a data source. More information can be viewed by hovering over the database name (touch users may need to tap and hold). These rules will be applied next time you click the search button.
Searching for across MemProtMD..
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