A database of membrane proteins embedded in lipid bilayers
MemProtMD is a database of over 8000 intrinsic membrane protein structures identified in the Protein Data Bank, inserted into simulated lipid bilayers using Coarse-Grained Self Assembly Molecular Dynamics simulations. On this site you can find analysis of our simulations, as well as resources to set up your own coarse-grained and atomistic simulations.
Newport, Thomas D. et al. The MemProtMD database: a resource for membrane-embedded protein structures and their lipid interactions. Nucleic Acids Research (2019).
import_contacts 10.1093/nar/gky1047
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Type something to begin searching. Search works on whole words only (lipo will not match lipoprotein). You can put parts of your search term "in quotes" to match an entire phrase or add a minus sign (-) in front of words to exclude records including that word, e.g. lipoprotein -mlaa.
Searchable fields include protein names such as LeuT
or AmtB
, groupings of proteins such as GPCRs
or ligand gated ion channels
, and processes such as drug binding
or phospholipid biosynthetic processes