Pfam | PF07654 Immunoglobulin C1-set domain


Sequence View

The following plot shows contacts with headgroups (magenta), acyl tails (yellow/orange) and solvent (blue) from simulations of 1 protein structures including this sequence. You can choose between showing only consensus values (based on a mean of all structures) and showing data from all structures. If data from all structures is shown, you can click on a residue to view more information.

Secondary structure is also shown using blue for alpha helices and green for beta strands. More conserved residues are indicated by darker coloured areas of secondary structure. Secondary structure which is not conserved in at least 50% of aligned residues is not shown. Domains which are identified through simulation to exist inside the bilayer are indicated by shaded boxes around the secondary structure. The shading of the box indicates the depth within the bilayer, from shallow (red) to deep (yellow).

Alignment of UniProt sequences was carried out using MUSCLE. Displayed sequence is a consensus derived from the alignment.