PDB | 6mmt Triheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2A* in the '1-Knuckle' conformation,
Triheteromeric NMDA receptor GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2A* in the '1-Knuckle' conformation, in complex with glycine and glutamate, in the presence of 1 micromolar zinc chloride, and at pH 7.4
label Keywords
ligand-gated ion channel, nmda receptor, ionotropic glutamate receptors, membrane protein, transport protein
event_note Published
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Original publication
import_contacts Title
Mechanisms for Zinc and Proton Inhibition of the GluN1/GluN2A NMDA Receptor.
import_contacts Journal
Cell 2018
import_contacts DOI
person Authors
Gouaux, E., Yoshioka, C., Jalali-Yazdi, F., Chowdhury, S.
copyrightData provided by Research Collaboration for Structural Biology, Gouaux, E., Yoshioka, C., Jalali-Yazdi, F., Chowdhury, S. , provided free of copyright via the Protein DataBank. View original data or read license terms.