PDB | 5i1m Yeast V-ATPase average of densities, a subunit segment
Yeast V-ATPase average of densities, a subunit segment
label Keywords
v-atpase, vo region, membrane protein
event_note Published
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Original publication
import_contacts Title
Models for the a subunits of the Thermus thermophilus V/A-ATPase and Saccharomyces cerevisiae V-ATPase enzymes by cryo-EM and evolutionary covariance.
import_contacts Journal
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 2016
import_contacts DOI
person Authors
Zhao, J., Rubinstein, J.L., Schep, D.G.
Member of
copyrightData provided by Research Collaboration for Structural Biology, Zhao, J., Rubinstein, J.L., Schep, D.G. , provided free of copyright via the Protein DataBank. View original data or read license terms.