PDB | 4m2t Mouse P-glycoprotein bound to QZ59-SSS
Corrected Structure of Mouse P-glycoprotein bound to QZ59-SSS
label Keywords
atp-binding cassette transporter, multidrug efflux, hydrolase-hydrolase inhibitor complex
event_note Published
blur_on Resolution
4.35 Å
filter_center_focus Method
add_circle Ligands
Original publication
import_contacts Title
Refined structures of mouse P-glycoprotein.
import_contacts Journal
Protein Sci. 2014
import_contacts DOI
person Authors
Jaimes, K.F., Li, J., Aller, S.G.
copyrightData provided by Research Collaboration for Structural Biology, Jaimes, K.F., Li, J., Aller, S.G. , provided free of copyright via the Protein DataBank. View original data or read license terms.