PDB | 4agf MTSSL spin labeled L124C mutant of MscS in the open form

MTSSL spin labeled L124C mutant of MscS in the open form

label Keywords
membrane protein
event_note Published
blur_on Resolution
4.7 Å
filter_center_focus Method
add_circle Ligands

Original publication

import_contacts Title
Conformational State of the Mscs Mechanosensitive Channel in Solution Revealed by Pulsed Electron-Electron Double Resonance (Peldor) Spectroscopy.
import_contacts Journal
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 2012
import_contacts DOI
person Authors
Schiemann, O., Rasmussen, A., Pliotas, C., Booth, I.R., Naismith, J.H., Hagelueken, G., Branigan, E., Huang, H., Ward, R., Black, S.S.