PDB | 6s8g Cryo-EM structure of LptB2FGC in complex with AMP-PNP

Cryo-EM structure of LptB2FGC in complex with AMP-PNP

label Keywords
lipopolysaccharide transporter, lps, lptb2fgc, lptb, lptbfg, outer membrane, gram-negative bacteria, abc transporter, inner membrane protein complex, transport protein
event_note Published
filter_center_focus Method
add_circle Ligands
PHOSPHOAMINOPHOSPHONIC ACID-ADENYLATE ESTER, tetradecyl 4-O-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside

Original publication

import_contacts Title
Cryo-EM structures of lipopolysaccharide transporter LptB2FGC in lipopolysaccharide or AMP-PNP-bound states reveal its transport mechanism.
import_contacts Journal
Nat Commun 2019
import_contacts DOI
person Authors
Dong, H., Qiao, W., Zhu, X., Zhang, Z., Wei, X., Niu, Y., Zhang, C., Luo, Q., Yang, W., Tang, X., Xu, C., Chang, S., Zhang, X., Dong, C., Wang, T.
