PDB | 6ov3 Crystal structure of human claudin-9 in complex with Clostridium perfringens entertoxin C-terminal domain in open form
Crystal structure of human claudin-9 in complex with Clostridium perfringens entertoxin C-terminal domain in open form
label Keywords
claudin, enterotoxin, tight junction protein, transmembrane protein, cell adhesion
event_note Published
blur_on Resolution
3.25 Å
filter_center_focus Method
add_circle Ligands
Original publication
import_contacts Title
Claudin-9 structures reveal mechanism for toxin-induced gut barrier breakdown.
import_contacts Journal
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 2019
import_contacts DOI
person Authors
Vecchio, A.J., Stroud, R.M.
Member of
copyrightData provided by Research Collaboration for Structural Biology, Vecchio, A.J., Stroud, R.M. , provided free of copyright via the Protein DataBank. View original data or read license terms.