PDB | 3bo0 Ribosome-SecY complex
Ribosome-SecY complex
label Keywords
ribosome-secy complex, protein translocation, ribosome
event_note Published
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Original publication
import_contacts Title
Ribosome binding of a single copy of the SecY complex: implications for protein translocation
import_contacts Journal
Mol.Cell 2007
import_contacts DOI
person Authors
Schaletzky, J., Clemons, W.M., Osborne, A.R., Kirkpatrick, D.S., Skanland, S.S., Akey, C.W., Ludtke, S.J., Park, E., Menetret, J.F., Denison, C., Rapoport, T.A., Gygi, S.P.
Member of
copyrightData provided by Research Collaboration for Structural Biology, Schaletzky, J., Clemons, W.M., Osborne, A.R., Kirkpatrick, D.S., Skanland, S.S., Akey, C.W., Ludtke, S.J., Park, E., Menetret, J.F., Denison, C., Rapoport, T.A., Gygi, S.P. , provided free of copyright via the Protein DataBank. View original data or read license terms.